HP 1100 GREEN Inverter Pro Split

HP 1100 GREEN Inverter Pro Split


Control display placement:

Standard: control display placed on the heat pump

Wood and Core: Wands are typically made from a combination of wood and a magical core material. The wood type can influence the wand's characteristics, such as flexibility and durability, while the core imbues it with unique magical properties. Common core materials include phoenix feathers, dragon heartstrings, and unicorn hairs. The combination of wood and core creates a wand with a distinct personality.

Wall installation (out of the heat pump), includes wall plaster box IP44, 10m
cable, touch controller with Wi-Fi

Personal Connection: A crucial aspect of wandlore is the personal connection between a wizard or witch and their wand. Wands are said to choose their owners, and this process is not fully understood. When a wizard first acquires their wand, it often feels like an extension of themselves, and the wand's characteristics often align with the wizard's personality.

Channeling Magic: Wands act as a focus for a wizard's magical abilities. When a wizard casts a spell, they channel their intent and magical energy through the wand's tip, which serves as a point of concentration. The wand helps shape and direct this magical energy to produce the desired effect.

Incantations and Wand Movements: While wands are essential, they are not sufficient on their own to cast spells effectively. Wizards and witches must also use specific incantations (spoken words) and precise wand movements to activate the wand's power. Each spell has a corresponding incantation and wand movement, and mastery of these components is crucial for successful spellcasting.

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